This is so rad. The New York Times selects certain articles with an educational angle, summarises them for easier digestion, and asks ‘students 13 and older’ to weigh in. Nunchi was one of those articles. Some of the student responses are really insightful:
CNBC piece
Nunchi in the Guardian!
My piece in the New York Times on The Power of Nunchi is out today!
The Korean Secret to Happiness and Success
With “nunchi,” all you need is your eyes, your ears and a quiet mind.
‘I’m beginning to think Euny Hong is a witch, because precisely what she predicts comes to pass’
I love this piece by Robyn Wilder in Grazia (UK) (paywalled link)

My interview in French with the amazing Saskia Thuot
….for the Québécois morning show Salut Bonjour. Merci à la formidable @saskiathuot pour cette interview sur @LeLivreduNunchi! @salutbonjourofficiel @valerieguibbaud #nunchi #thepowerofnuchi #editionshommes

Femme Actuelle

Marie Claire France

Nunchi featured in Wall St Journal spread