The Heisenberg Principle of U.S. Observation — when America observes something in your culture, the observed object is not going to escape unchanged. Bye, Eurovision. Bye, Europe. Read it here
My piece for Politico Europe on the hair-demic. Going back to my roots: Pandemic haircut politics. Thanks to my great editor @esthermavis and @HelenFessenden https://t.co/ZtMJ30Kez4 #coiffinement #pandemic @POLITICOEurope
— Euny Hong (@euny) May 20, 2020
Alternate title for this piece I wrote for the @nytimes could have been 'I, Arsehole'. In which I come clean about a deep-seated horrible bigoted reflex I've had since childhood. https://t.co/p2qrMdybh6 #coronavirus @originalspin Jeff I await a bollocking. It's part of my penance
— Euny Hong (@euny) May 15, 2020
Sorry for the repost. Forgot the hyperlink. My review of the book that propelled Korea's #metoo movementhttps://t.co/sEuXY8oDV7
— Euny Hong (@euny) April 16, 2020
Korean pop culture is everywhere, @euny writes. And it’s taken on a life of its own. https://t.co/KIUN52mbM2
— Washington Post Opinions (@PostOpinions) February 23, 2020